When signing a contract for any of the services offered by us, we guarantee from the date of the signing with the relevant contractual consequences that:

Our mission
Our relations with the clients are strictly confidential and we undertake not to disclose them to third parties without the client’s written consent thereto. “Confidential information” means any information disclosed before or received by us, which refers to past, present or future activity of the client, and namely – commercial secrets, know-how, products and services, financial and operating results.

Confidential information
We, as well as our employees, undertake not to make statements, not to give interviews, not to express opinions, positions, not to write letters, articles, and not to make public in any other way whatsoever the issues related to the fulfillment of our contractual obligations, including in the form of advertising, without the client’s prior written consent.
about us
The distinguishing features of the team are a guarantee for quality and certainty about the performance of the provided services.
Our team is independent from the operating units of the client and offers accurate and objective advise in the client’s best interest. We provide our professional opinion in a completely objective, impartial and professional manner – without being affected by any third party’s business interests.
Nationwide cover. Experience in the work on and organization of more than 1700 enforcement and 520 pending adversary cases per year. Legal and consultation services rendered to banking, non-banking financial and insurance institutions. Work in a team of analysists, lawyers, notaries and enforcement agents.
We invest in the development of our methodologies, adhering to and developing the existing best-proven practices. We use on a daily basis in our work own tools and methodologies developed by us. The staff development, in the long run, is one of our top priorities.
International scope
The use of the experience gained in various contexts is an invariable part of our culture and long-term development strategy. In our work, we use our foreign partners’ experience in various spheres of law and economy.
International scope
The use of the experience gained in various contexts is an invariable part of our culture and long-term development strategy. In our work, we use our foreign partners’ experience in various spheres of law and economy.
We have provided legal consultations both to international corporations and to an influential European government defending its legal interest with respect to the ownership right, privatisation transactions and other obligation-law rights related to business transaction banking.

att. Yavor Dimitrov
managing partner
Attorney-at-law Dimitrov graduated law in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, specialized for high-level legal cadres in the banking sector in Switzerland. He has advised international corporations and some influential European governments for their legal interest about their ownership in real estates, big privatization transactions. Later in his career, he worked on the successful completion of several fundamental and publicly important legal cases. He is specialized in the banking sector, with approaches and solutions that establish best practices in the contemporary banking legal system.

att. Dimitar Pelov
managing partner
Attorney-at-law Pelov graduated law in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, has many years of experience in the sphere of procedural representation under civil, commercial and administrative cases, investigation, evaluation and analysis of legal documents of particular importance and complexity. He has participated as a procedural representative in a considerable number of cases with high valuable interest.
- Катина Драгомирова Христова
- Тихомир Василев Стойчев
- Инна Светославова Баева
- Мишел Миленов Ангелов
- Елена Димитрова Даскалова – Радева
- Яна Иванова Христова
- Лилия Станчева Борисова
- Юлия Милетиева Сапунджиева
- Станимир Стефанов Илийков
- Васил Бацев
- Десислава Караиванова
- Антоанета Апостолова
Fields of activity
Survey, collection and systematization of legal and economic information, retrospection and legal solution.
Legal analyses, evaluations and recommendations
Procedural representation
Order for payment procedure
Notary procedure
Liability management
Corporate restructuring and recovery
Mergers and acquisitions – Due Diligence
Mergers and acquisitions – Integration
Unfair competition risk management
Survey, evaluation and recommendations on activities featuring high economic risk
Financial investigations
Чуждестранни кореспонденти – Русия, Израел, Швейцария
Местни кореспонденти :
София, Пловдив, Бургас , Варна , Русе, Разград, Плевен, Ловеч, Благоевград, Враца, Видин.
Get in touch with us:
“Dimitrov & Pelov” Law Frim
Alabin str. №38, fl 1, Sofia 1000
Tel: +359 2 437 25 05
Tel: +359 2 437 25 06
Facebook: Dimitrov & Pelov – Law Firm
ул. “Алабин” № 38, София 1000
тел: +359 2 437 25 05
тел: +359 2 437 25 06